Meet Dr. Larry
For over 30 years now I have had the pleasure and privilege of helping thousands of men and women achieve their goal in better health and wellness.

Over the years I have had many patients ask about me and my lifestyle, some had even started following me on Facebook. I always appreciated the comments on how fit I looked and many times I was asked what the secret to my success was.
I always give the same reply, I have good genes (which helps) I have never stopped working out and I always push my body as hard as I can. I try to get 7 hours of good sleep every night, eat healthy and I have been doing HGH and Testosterone for almost 30 years. In 2024 I turned 66 years old and I still workout with the intensity of a 30-year-old.

Some of you may remember Jack LaLanne I can remember as a youngster watching my mother work out with him on tv and as he aged, I would follow his annual birthday feats of strength, and I always wanted to challenge my self too as I aged.
I have been asked on many occasions for photos, so I have decided to start my photo page and the occasional physical challenges I choose to take on.
Thank you all for allowing me to help you with your personal goals.
All The Best,
Dr. Larry

Pushing Yourself
Beyond The Limit